through my eyes: Bridget
Bridget was a fresh a breath air. She needed absolutley no direction and worked the hell out of my camera.

through my eyes: The Peters
Black love is alive and kicking in the Peters household. It was a true joy kicking off the year capturing these beautiful souls.

through my eyes: Nadia
Meet Nadia - Watch out world, this is Nadia's season!!

through my eyes: Jason
Shades of Light Photography is officially in the Head Shot business...Meet Jason - actor, teacher, friend. The studio was on fiya during...

through my eyes: Bria
Meet Bria...a beautiful spirit inside and out!

through my eyes: MadameMusuem
I found the most amazing hidden gem, The Madame CJ Walkers Beauty Shoppe and Museum. The MadameMuseum is an original Atlanta based...

through my eyes: Pep & Kori
This duo is most certainly dynamic! Nothing like bringing closet hams out their shell. Oh the joy!

through my eyes: Skye Walker, GirLift
Skye Walker - Founder of GirLift. GirLift is an organization that empowers health and inspires wellness in teenage girls through physical...

through my eyes: The Sharpe Family
Wow, Tracy is outnumbered! But, that just simply means more love. A fun time was had by all on this beautiful fall afternoon.